Addiction Recovery


The road to recovery is not an easy one. As a mentor of mine used to say “ you don’t fight the bear head-on; you’ll lose each and every time!  ” You need all the help you can get!

But remember this; It’s doable and you can do this!

Addiction Recovery


Life for the family and friends of a person struggling with substance use can be overwhelming.
That said, there can also be light at the end of the tunnel!

Armor yourself by asking for help today!

Do you need a coach?

  • Is somebody you love struggling with drug addiction?
  • Do you feel confused, lost, or stuck?
  • Are you an active drug user or an addict in recovery?
  • Have you just gotten out of a rehab program?
  • Are you facing a major transition?
  • Do you need an accountability partner?

Depression – Get to know your enemy

Depression is a "real" illness! It is crucial to know your enemy whether it is you who suffer from depression or somebody close to

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One day AFTER Rehab – 3 Things to Do

Standing on your feet after rehab can be stressful. Follow three simple rules and keep on walking... Learn how to make it

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