One day AFTER Rehab – 3 Things to Do

Whether you were in a closed or open rehab program, now it’s time to stand alone out in the world.One Day After Rehab
Mixed emotions are probably one of your problems, and then come the questions (either consciously or subconsciously), “and now what?”, “Am I going to manage?”, “Will I relapse?”.

And, although there isn’t any magic recipe, there are things that you can do to make this transitional process and ultimately your life a little bit easier and less stressful.

First of all, realize how you feel!

You may feel anxious or/and excited at the same time and so many more.
Some of the feelings you may experience are:

  • Anxiety
  • Insecurity
  • Excitement
  • Joy
  • Optimism
  • Fear
  • Panic
  • The feeling that you have to make up for the lost time, but everything rises in front of you like an enormous mountain, and you don’t know where to start climbing it.
2. Talk about it!

It’s okay to feel whatever you feel! And to be honest, it’s quite “normal”!
Nevertheless, talk about how you feel again and again; don’t keep them (thoughts & feelings) to yourself!
The moment you start sharing your thoughts and feelings, magic happens!


3. Baby Steps

While on drugs, one of your best friends is “procrastination”; So, when you are off drugs, you realize that what you have postponed for so long is waiting for you in the corner, alongside your plans and dreams for an independent and sober life. Don’t panic!

  • Break the mountain into smaller pieces (tasks)
  • Prioritize
  • Ask for help
  • Take consistent action

Take baby steps! It’s vital not to harry and to enjoy every step of the way while you build your everyday life.


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